

Items are interactable elements in the game, which are used to set goals, record whether something is done and manipulate other elements in the game.

.item Files

Every item is associted with a .item file. A .item file is simply a json file with the following structure -

name: "string",
desc: "string",
char: "string",
need_input: boolean,
collectable: boolean,
answerhash: "[string]",
media_path: "[string]",
code_file: "[string]"
  1. name, desc are self explanatory
  2. char is the display character of the item. If not specified, it defaults to ‘?’. It can be set to None for invisible items.
  3. need_input tells the game engine whether an input bar is to be displayed when the item is interacted with
  4. collectable tells the game engine if the item is to be put into the [Pocket][#pocket] when interaction is successful
  5. answerhash is an optional parameter which is the correct “answer”. See more
  6. media_path is an optional parameter which gives information about the media that is associated with the item. See more
  7. code_file is an optional parameter which gives the path to the .py file that is run when the item interation is successful. See more


Pocket is a list of items that are “collected” by the user. This can be used to record what the user has seen, or to retain items which may be useful for the user to progress in the game. Pocket items can be reinteracted with. Items can be marked as collectable in the .item file or can be added manually via code file.

The game always initializes with no items in the Pocket.

The function



The following section describes how an item interaction works.

From Moving on the Map

  1. User moves onto a location where there is an item(as per the Map)
  2. A dialog is shown with
    1. title
    2. desc
    3. Input bar and submit button as per need_input
    4. Show Media button if media_path is non-empty
    5. Cancel button
  3. User input is awaited:
    1. If Show Media button is clicked, appropriate media is shown. Interaction continues.
    2. If Submit button is clicked, input typed in input bar is hashed, and checked against answerhash. If matched, interaction ends with success else, interaction continues.
    3. If Cancel button is clicked
      1. If need_input, then interation is not successful
      2. Else interaction is successful
  4. If interaction is successful
    1. If collectable, then item is added to Pocket
    2. If code_file is non empty, code_file is run

Clicking on Item from Pocket

  1. User clicks appropriate button in Pocket
  2. A dialog is shown as above, but without input bar or Submit button
  3. User input is awaited:
    1. If Show Media button is clicked, appropriate media is shown. Interaction continues.
    2. If Cancel button is clicked, interaction is successful.
  4. If interaction is successful
    1. If code_file is non empty, code_file is run


This parameter holds the hashed version of the “corret answer”. We store it as a hashed value because it is technically possible for the source code to be shared to the participants.

To hash your answer, do

import hashlib

answer = "the actual answer here which is case-sensitive"


and then copy the output to this parameter


Items can have some kinds of media associated with them. Generally these are pictures or links to websites.

Every media_path entry should look like this


Supported mediatypes are:

Item coding

Every item can be associated with a python file which will be evaluated on item interaction success. To manipulate objects in the game, you can use the game object