

class Game
    title #:: Title of the window
    active_map #:: the current map
    gadgets #:: list of gadgets
    map(name_of_map, newpos=None) #:: return the map `name_of_map`. If `newpos` is set to map.pos, else the previous position.
    surface(char_of_surface) #:: returns the surface with character `char_of_surface`
    item(item_name) #:: returns the item with name `item_name`

Initializing a Game object

game = Game("Name of the game", "path_to_settings", [list, of, Gadget, Classes], first_map=None, theme="Dark")

See gadgets for some demo gadgets you may want to add

first_map corresponds to the name of the first map where the player is spawned. If first_map is not set, active_map will be None. You must then set the active_map yourself before calling game.run()

Running a Game object


The Game loop

  1. Create the layout by Game.make_layout
  2. Place layout into a window
  3. Bind sg events to human readable events with Game.bind_sg_events()
  4. Loop until st
  5. Wait for a sg event.
  6. game.handle_event(event) and return new value of st
  7. game.update_gadgets(event)

You can overload any function in an inherited class, but this would generally not be necessary.