CellularBase docs

28.1 μs

This is the documentation of CellularBase.jl

2.1 ms
10.9 s

Boundary Conditions

Define the kinds of Boundary Conditions

  • Periodic

  • FixedMin - Fixed BC with all elements of the min of the possible_states

  • FixedMax - Fixed BC with all elements of the max of the possible_states

  • Clamp - Nearest cell within the region of interest

4.9 ms
13.3 ms


Every neighborhood has a radius and a set of CartesianIndexes associated with it. The most general way of evaluating these is by referencing the appropriate property.

7.6 μs
cartesians (generic function with 1 method)
61.9 μs

VonNeumann Neighborhood

The VonNeumann Neighborhood is the simplest neighborhood which contains k neighbors adjacent to it.

It is defined for multiple dimensions.

A 2D representation of radius(=k) 3 is shown below

6.5 μs
7.2 s
1.4 ms

Moore Neighborhood

The Moore Neighborhood is a simple neighborhood which contains all neighbours in the n d-cube centered at the cell and of side length 2k+1

It is defined for multiple dimensions.

A 2D representation of radius(= k) 3 is shown below

8.6 μs
723 ms
911 μs


These are the actual cellular automata which are the aim of this package.

AbstractGrid is concretized to a working grid which has the real working mechanism

4.3 μs
9.4 μs


Base.getindex is specialized to AbstractGrids to handle Boundary conditions

4.0 μs
1.4 ms

State functions

These are functions related to the state of the grid.

Optimization Possibility

newstate and state! can often be specialized and optimized to be more efficient and hence throw warnings

1.7 ms
104 μs

Accessor functions

4.7 μs
86.9 μs

Useful Helpers

2.8 μs
8.0 ms

Evolutions and Simulations

This section defines the most abstract functions which evolve and simulate a Cellular Automaton

4.1 μs


evolve! is a mutator function that evolves the grid by one step. A new state is created by calling newstate. Each index is iterated through, and the values of the neighbours are sent as parameters to the grid. The grid then evaluates the next state of the present index, and hence the evolution rules must be coded into the grid as a functional object

Grid is a Function too!

Every AbstractGrid is also assumed to be a function-like object and the code will throw an error if it is not defined to be as such

The new state is then set back into the grid.

tabular_evolution! is a helper function that can be used for rules which can be encoded into a table, like Wolfram's CA.


This function can be used in a specialized evolve!. Send the table via the kwargs to evolve! and then unpack to tabular_evolution!. See caWolfram.jl for an implementation.

5.5 μs
tabular_evolution! (generic function with 1 method)
172 μs


The outer most function that will almost always be called unspecialized by the user. The simulate! function takes a grid and a number of steps to simulate for. The store_results parameter allows users to not store results after every evolve! call. postrunhook is called after every step with parameters as (step, grid, kwargs...). All kwargs are forwarded to evolve! and postrunhook.

postrunhook Special Return Values

While postrunhook can mutate the grid on specific steps, it can also act as a messenger to simulate! to change its behavior. See below for available messages

List of special messages-

  1. :shortcurcuit ⟹ do not call evolve! on the grid in the next step. This can be useful if you want to stop evolution for some steps, or if you know that the grid will not change anymore, such as when it has reached a stable state.

  2. :interrupt ⟹ return immediately.

Implementation Example

See Term Paper 1#Equilibrium infection distribution for example

12.4 μs
simulate! (generic function with 1 method)
178 μs