Approximately close initial conditions do not give rise to approximately close final conditions.
There are systems of $N = 3$ which show chaos. We need atleast $N=3$.
Iterated maps.
Consider a non invertable map $f$. An Iterated map orbit is defined as $I_n(x_0) = f^n(x_0)$.
This is a peicewise linear map
\[f(x) = 1 - 2|x-\frac{1}{2}|\]Thats is,
\[\begin{cases} 2x & x < 1/2\\ 2(1-x) & x>1/2 \end{cases}\]For x < 0 or x > 1, the orbit is uncontained.
However, for 0 < x < 1, the orbit is bounded.
Stretching - Half the interval is stretched to the entire interval.
Folding - the Folding makes the orbit bounded.
The map first stretches in the x direction, but it is cut and folded, put back into the box.
If $x_n$ = 0, 1/2, 1, then $x_{n+2} = 0$
If $x_n$ = 1/4, 3/4, then $x_{n+2} = 1$
Linear in between.
Hence, m iteration gives m tents.
If $\epsilon_0 = 1/2^m$ then $x_m$ can be anywhere between [0, 1]