Economic Agents
- Agent is Rational
- Tradeofs are made within budget to maximize utility3
- Trade offs become difficult
- We tend to focus on best alternative reality. It is referred to this alternative activity as the opportunity cost (loss of other alternatives)
- Optimizer is effectively giving up when s/he surfs the Web.
- Compare a set of feasible alternatives and pick the best one
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Free Rider Problem - do not contribute, but still benefit from the investments others make
Scarcity and Efficiency
- Limited resources
- Economic efficienct requires to produce highest combination of quantity and quality given resource scarcity
- Ecnomy is producing efficiently when no individual’s economic welfare or outcome can be imposed without another being worse off
Production Possibilty frontier
Types of economy
- Market economy - Free market
- Command economy - Authoritarianism,
- Mixed economy
Types of Market
In order of competition
- Perfect
- Monopolistic
- Oligopoly
- Monopoly
Distinction based on-
- Number of firms competing
- Products are differentiated or not
- entry/exit from market is easy
- amount of information available to market
10 Principles of Economics
- Tradeof
- Opportunity cost
- Rationality
- Incentive
- Trade and exchange
- Market - place to organize economic activity
- Government
- Productivity
- Price level stability
- Business cycle (inflation and unemployment)