Phy622 Mathematical Methods 3


Special Rings

[Ring#Special Rings]

Division Rings


A field is a ring with 0 as the only singular point.

Example -

  1. Reals
  2. Rationals

Zero divisors

For $r,s$ in a [Ring], if $rs=0$, then $r,s$ are called Zero divisors.


${Z_n, +_n, *_n}$


Vector Spaces

$\mathbb{V}$ is defined as a set $V$ over Field $F$ and a $\oplus$ vector addition

$\mathbb{V} = {V, {F, +, *}, \oplus}$

Elements of $F$ are called scalars, of $V$ are called vectors

$\ket{x}, \ket{y}$

$\ket{x}\oplus \ket{y} \in V$

$a\ket{x} \in V$


$\alpha \ket{x} + \beta \ket{y} \in V$

More formally,

  1. Vector addition is commutative
  2. $\oplus$ is associative
  3. There is an unique identity for $\oplus$, called $\ket{0}$
  4. Scalar multiplication defined, $\alpha\ket{x}\in V$
  5. Multiplicative identity of F is also identity of Scalar multiplication
  6. Additive inverse exists, denoted by $-\ket{x}$. Further, $-\ket{x} = -1 \ket{x}$
  7. Scalar Vector multiplication is distributive over vector addition. 8.Scalar Vector multiplication is distributive over scalar addition. $(\alpha+\beta)\ket x = \alpha\ket {x}+\alpha\ket{x}$


An algebra $\mathcal{A}$ is a [Ring] whose elements form a vector space over field F. The multiplication of this Ring is called a vector multiplication $*$.

$*: V\times V \rightarrow V$


  1. $N\times N$ matrices.
  2. Lie Algebra: Lie Ring [Ring#Special Rings] whose elements form a vector space.
    1. $\ket{x}*\ket{y} = -\ket{y}*\ket{x}$
    2. Jacobi Identity
    3. Eg. Set of antisymmetric matrices, with $* = [.,.]$ - Algebra of orthogonal group $O(N)$